Hrvatski Fokus

Rat na Aljasci

Strašna Lenjinova ubojstva Rusa…

Prije petnaestak dana kao prvi hitac i opomenu prepotentnoj Americi, radi uvreda upućenim Rusiji, Putin je izdao naredbu da se blokiraju sva američka elktronska armijska postrojenja na Aljasci. Naredba je izvršena, Amerikanci se u užasu nisu mogli maknuti. Rat je počeo:
April 20, 2017 Pentagon Reported In Total Fear After Russian “Super Weapon” Paralyzes Alaska Defenses
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An intriguing Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the United States Department of Defence (DoD/Pentagon) was reduced to a state of “total fear” this week after the Khibiny Electronic Warfare System “super weapon” successfully paralyzed the entire North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) defenses over Alaska—an action personally authorized by President Putin who was enraged over an American magazine propaganda article that claimed “Russians are hopeless primitives from a medieval country”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, with neither the American or European Union peoples being allowed to know that truth by their propaganda media organs about the “Miracle of Russia” that has made the Federation the world’s last bulwark against the anti-Christ demonic globalists, they are, instead, being mentally assaulted on a daily basis by the most blatant Russian hysteria not seen in the West since the Cold War.
Reaching a new low, even by Western standards, this report continues, the American leftist magazine Vanity Fair this past week went beyond just simple Russian hysteria into outright genocidal reporting with its stating that the peoples of the Federation were sub-human primitives living in a nation likened to the Middle Ages because they wouldn’t accept being ruled over by these demonic globalists.
Ovo je dokumentarni film temeljen na objavljenim dokumentima o židovskoj okupaciji Rusije. Napravio ga je Juri Lina (Letonija, Estonija?). Novcem židovskog bankara Jacoba Schieffa iz New Yorka finacirani su židovski agenti Trocky i Lenjin kojima je dodijeljeno desetak tisuća židovskih dobrovoljaca i ogromna sredstva za financiranje revolucije, a cijelu operaciju vodile su američke masonske lože i njemačka obavještajna služba usred Prvoga svjetskog rata 1917. Nijemci su se nadali da je to dobar put za pobjedu, kraj priče je i za njih bio tragičan godine 1945. U Rusiji prema ruskim objavljenim podatcima iz 1993. godine, židovska revolucija pobila je 147.000.000 (sto četrdeset i sedam) milijuna Rusa, Ukrajinaca i ostalih (od toga preko 15 milijuna Ukrajinaca). Rusija bi danas imala, na onolikom teritoriju, barem oko 500 milijuna stanovnika (usporedite ju s Kinom!). Masonske lože i židovi ostvarili su krvavi pir uništenja kršćana. To se zvao holokaust! PRIJE NUKLEARNOG RATA pogledajte dobro ovaj film, dobro otvorite oči i pokažite ga svima:

Mr. sc. Emil Čić

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