Hrvatski Fokus

Hrvatski nazivi u obitelji

Croatian Family



Parents (roditelji) include father (otac) and mother (majka).

Grandfather is djed and grandmother is baka.

Great-grandfather is pradjed, great-grandmother is prababa, and further generations include: šukundjed and šukunbaba, also prašukundjed, prašukunbaba.

Son (sin), daughter (kći), all children (djeca), grandchildren (unuci, unučad).

Male (unuk), female (unuka) – second generation: praunučad (praunuk, praunuka).

Stric – my father’s brother and his wife: strina.

My brothers and I are to stric: sinovci; my sister is sinovkinja or sinovica.

Prastric is my father’s stric and his wife is prastrina – consequently prasinovac, prasinovkinja.

Ujak is my mother’s brother, and his wife is ujna. Ujak is also called ujac.

My brothers and I are to him nećaci and neputi, and my sister is nećakinja, nećaka.

My father’s ujak or my mother’s ujna is praujak, praujna and also pranećaci, pranećake.

Tetka is my father’s or my mother’s sister, and her husband is tetak.

My brothers and I are to them as follows: sestrići or sestričići.

My sisters are, in the first case, bratične or bratanične or, in the second case, sestrične.

There is also pratetka and pratetak as well as prabratići, prasestrići, prabratične and prasestrične.

The son of my stric is my bratučed or stričević, and the daughter of my stric is to me: bratučeda or strićična.

The son of my ujak is to my brothers and me rođak or ujčević, and his daughter is rođakinja, rodica, ujčina; and we are to them tetkići, rođakinje, tetišne.

The son of my tetka is to my brothers and me rođak or tetkić, and their daughter is rođakinja, rodica, tetišna; we are to them rođaci, ujčevići, rođakinje, ujčine.

To the children of tetka we are the same relation as they are to us.

First or once removed bratučedi are prvobratučedi or prvobratučede (children of two brothers).

Then we have drugobratučedi; those are the children of prvobratučedi, among themselves.

Stričan is the bratučed of my father.

Relatives through marriage

My father is to my wife svekar and my mother is svekrva; my wife to them is snaha or nevjesta. (My grandfather is to her prasvekar and my grandmother is prasvekrva.

My wife’s father is to me punac or tast, and her mother is to me punica or tasta.

I am to them zet. In the same logic as above we have also pratast, prapunica.

Tazbina – my wife’s relatives to me. Svekrbina – my relatives to my wife.

Prijatelji means friends but also two sets of parents of two children who are married. In that sense, oprijateljiti se means becoming svojta through the marriage of children.

I am to the wife of my brother djever, and she is to me snaha or nevjesta.

My wife and my brother’s wife are among themselves jetrve.

My children to the children of my brother (and vice versa) are djeverčići, djeverčine or jetrve.

I am to the sister of my wife svak or svojak, and she is to me svastika or svast.

I am to the husband of my svast (and vice versa) pašanac or pašenog. We are to each other pašanci, pašanci, pašenozi.

Our children among themselves are svastičići or svastične.

I am to the husband of my sister šura or šurjak; he is to me zet.

My wife is to my sister snaha; my sister is to my wife zaova and the children

are zaovičići and zaovične.

Marija Fabek

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