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I dalje nemiri oko Svete Zemlje

RABINI – Tko priznaje Isusa za Boga i Spasitelja nije više član židovskog naroda

Glavno tijelo židovskih rabina proglasilo je službeno da nitko tko priznaje Isusa za Boga i Spasitelja nije više član židovskog naroda i da se takvi ne mogu vjenčavati u Izraelu (pederi mogu):
Zazvučali rogovi koji u Izraelu najavljuju židovskog "mesiju": (BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS) —For the first time since the Temple stood in Jerusalem, the sounds of shofarot (ram horns) from Jacob’s Sheep were heard in Israel, trumpeting out from the mountains of Naftali, in a powerful chorus that may soon be announcing Messiah in the far corners of the world.
A small ceremony was held in Ramot Naftali near the Lebanese border on Sunday afternoon to inaugurate the Jacob’s sheep shofarot. Jacob’s Sheep originated in Northern Israel and though it is a sought after-breed in Europe and Canada, the sheep have not existed in Israel since Biblical times. The breed derives its name from the unique dark spots that correspond to the story of Jacob and Laban.
Velika pobjeda Rusije i Sirijske vojske nad snagama američki muslimana ISIS-a, kojima je SAD evakuirao 20 zapovjednika iz osvojenog Deir Ez Zora, dovela je do novog ruba sukoba Rusije i SAD-a. Amerika naređuje Siriji da ne smije prijeći preko Eufrata, a Rusija je postavila ruski pontonski most da Sirijci prijeđu. Čekamo i dalje, kada konačno kane početi:

Mr. sc. Emil Čić

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